Namespaces | Typedefs | Enumerations
juce_ApplicationCommandID.h File Reference


 A set of general-purpose application command IDs.


typedef int CommandID
 A type used to hold the unique ID for an application command. More...


enum  {
  StandardApplicationCommandIDs::quit = 0x1001, StandardApplicationCommandIDs::del = 0x1002, StandardApplicationCommandIDs::cut = 0x1003, StandardApplicationCommandIDs::copy = 0x1004,
  StandardApplicationCommandIDs::paste = 0x1005, StandardApplicationCommandIDs::selectAll = 0x1006, StandardApplicationCommandIDs::deselectAll = 0x1007, StandardApplicationCommandIDs::undo = 0x1008,
  StandardApplicationCommandIDs::redo = 0x1009

Typedef Documentation

typedef int CommandID

A type used to hold the unique ID for an application command.

This is a numeric type, so it can be stored as an integer.

See also
ApplicationCommandInfo, ApplicationCommandManager, ApplicationCommandTarget, KeyPressMappingSet