Classes | Macros
juce_OSCReceiver.h File Reference


class  OSCReceiver
 A class for receiving OSC data. More...
struct  OSCReceiver::MessageLoopCallback
 Use this struct as the template parameter for Listener and ListenerWithOSCAddress to receive incoming OSC data on the message thread. More...
struct  OSCReceiver::RealtimeCallback
 Use this struct as the template parameter for Listener and ListenerWithOSCAddress to receive incoming OSC data immediately after it arrives, called directly on the network thread that listens to incoming OSC traffic. More...
class  OSCReceiver::Listener< CallbackType >
 A class for receiving OSC data from an OSCReceiver. More...
class  OSCReceiver::ListenerWithOSCAddress< CallbackType >
 A class for receiving only those OSC messages from an OSCReceiver that match a given OSC address. More...



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